The Lambda Calculus¶
Lambda Calculus Computational Model¶
Beta Reduction Algorithm (Eager)¶
To \(\beta\)-reduce a term \(t\):
- If \(t\) is a variable, it is already reduced. Return \(t\).
- If \(t\) is an application:
- \(\beta\)-reduce the left hand and right hand sides and let \(m\) and \(n\) be the results, respectively.
- If \(m\) is an abstraction, return the beta reduction of \(m\)’s term with all instances of \(m\)’s variable replaced with \(n\).
- Otherwise, return the application of \(m\) onto \(n\).
- If \(t\) is an abstraction, \(\beta\)-reduce the term of the abstraction and return the abstraction.
Lazy Algorithm Motivation¶
While the eager algorithm will produce the correct results, we may end up evaluating terms we did not need to. For example, consider:
We don’t want to have to spend all of that work evaluating \(x\) if we did not need to!
Reducible Expressions¶
A reducible expression (called redex for short) is an application with an abstraction as its left child.
In order to implement lazy evaluation, we will need to concern ourselves with the left-most of the outer-most redexes.
A redex is outer-most if it can be reached from the root of the tree without going through another redex.
Beta Reduction Algorithm (Lazy)¶
To lazy \(\beta\)-reduce a term:
- Find the left-most of the outer-most redexes in the abstract syntax tree and preform a substitution to complete the application.
- If any redexes remain, go to step 1.
Is substitution always safe?¶
Consider the following (naïve) substitution procedure for a term \(t\) for a variable \(v\) with replacement \(r\):
- If \(t\) is an application, substitute \(v\) for \(r\) onto the left and right sides.
- If \(t\) is an abstraction whose variable is \(v\), return the abstraction unaltered.
- If \(t\) is an abstraction whose variable is not \(v\), return the abstraction with \(v\) substituted for \(r\) onto the abstraction’s term.
- If \(t\) is a variable which is \(v\), return \(r\).
- If \(t\) is a variable which is not \(v\), return \(v\).
What could possibly go wrong?
Alpha Renames in Substitutions¶
Suppose we wish to \(\beta\)-reduce the following term:
Using the previous (simple) rules of substitution with our \(\beta\)-reduction algoritm, we end up with this:
Oops. The binding changed! These terms are not equivalent.
How to solve? \(\alpha\)-rename.
Alpha Renaming Condition¶
We must preform an \(\alpha\)-rename in order to preform a substitution of \(v\) for \(r\) in \(t\) if and only if all of the below are true:
- \(t\) is an abstraction.
- \(t\)’s variable is not \(v\).
- \(v\) is a free variable in \(t\)’s term.
- \(t\)’s variable appears at least once as a free variable in \(r\).
(revisit example on previous slide)
Lambda Calculus: Where from Here?¶
- Subtraction is hard, but doable. Check out the Wikipedia page on Church Numerals for more info.
- For recursion, we need to reference ourselves in a lambda abstraction. This is done using a Y-combinator.
- From there, we can use the \(λ\)-calculus to compute the solution to any problem that a Turing machine can.
- More on all of this in CSCI-561 (Theory of Computation).
- Many functional programming languages (e.g., Haskell, Scheme, SlytherLisp) are just practical implementations of the \(λ\)-calculus.