Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Washington D.C. to New York City

Today we left Washington D.C. Mom and I went by train to New York City, while Hannah and dad headed back to Denver so that dad can get back to work and Hannah can do a summer class for her nursing training.

The ride to New York City was uneventful and easy. We got in a quiet car, which was nice and I was able to sleep for most of the trip. Once we got to New York, we had a bit of trouble getting out of the station. It was a subway and train station combined into one, and there were a ton of different exits. We ended up going out of one which we (really it was me) had to carry our bags up a few flights of stairs. When we got out to street level, we looked across and saw that the other side was a larger exit, and had an elevator. Oh well. At least we didn’t end up on the other side of Manhattan, which could have happened if we’d really screwed up and gone to the wrong exit.

We are staying at the Pod Hotel, it’s a very small room, just a bathroom and bunk beds, and a very small little table/desk thing against one wall. But, luckily we are only in this for one night before we board the cruise boat!

Last time I was in New York was before mom and I went on our trip to Bermuda and Eastern Canada. We did the majority of the big tourist things (the Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, the Twin Towers Memorial and 9/11 Museum, the Statue of Liberty, etc.), but we didn’t go to a Broadway show. Mom and Hannah went to one when they were in New York, but I’d never seen one. We looked up what was showing, and decided to go to see The Play that Goes Wrong. It is a comedy about a theatre production that goes horribly wrong. The premise is that a startup theatre company is putting on a production of a murder mystery, but they are very incompetent. They are awful actors, the set breaks down all the time, and the sound and lighting are out of sync and sometimes altogether wrong. The main characters were the people who were “supposed to be” in the play, and two “stage hands” who throughout the play were a large part of the story. There was a lot of slapstick humour, wordplay humour, situational humour, and some audience interaction humour. Overall, it was a very fun play, and I enjoyed it very much.

After that, we went back to the hotel to go to sleep.