Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

New Orleans, LA and Start of Cruise

Today was our last day in New Orleans. This morning we rode the St. Charles Streetcar through the Garden District and this afternoon we boarded our cruise ship: the Norwegian Dawn.


The New Orleans streetcar system is the oldest streetcar system in the world (or maybe just in the United States? I’m not sure). The St. Charles streetcar is the most famous route of the New Orleans streetcar system and that is the one we rode. We got on near Canal Street and went all the way on through the Garden District and a way into the neighborhoods west of the Garden District. The Garden District had some very nice houses. They were old Southern-style mansions with large porches with ornate columns. The windows on the cars were pretty dirty so I didn’t take any pictures, but I’m sure you can find some on the web.

Boarding the Ship

We got back to the hotel and checked out, then we walked down to the cruise terminal. We had to stand in quite a few queues for security checks, and check in, but it didn’t take too long. After dropping our carry-ons off at our rooms, we went to eat and explore the boat.

The boat is way more confusing to navigate than the other cruise boats I’ve been on. For one, there are like 10 different dining options (I’m not complaining, but it does complicate the process of getting food). Anyway, I found the sports deck and played some soccer with some kids. (I’m really out of shape right now, not a good sign because I have to go back home and start playing soccer again.)

That was about all that happened today. Tomorrow is a day at sea, hopefully I find some fun stuff to do.