Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

On Our Way - Denver, Colorado, USA to Reykjavík, Iceland

I am on an Icelandair flight right now writing this post. We are about an hour and a half into the flight. We were able to check in online, so we ended up being fairly early to the airport, but it gave us plenty of time to eat a lupper (Lunch/Supper) at Panda Express. We are currently somewhere over the US still but I don’t know exactly because the flight map is not working for me. Right now I am waiting for the flight attendant to come and ask if we would like drinks. Right now she is having trouble scanning a Discover card for the people in front of us, so it is looking like it might be a while before we get our drinks…

I now have some 7-up. Hannah is watching The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies on the seat-back TV and mom is half sleeping, half watching a movie on her tablet. I am writing this using my wireless keyboard which is really nice to have. I’ve been using an app called Byword for writing. I am loving it so far. I have a full review in the works which will be published someday :).

Mom and Hannah Sleeping on the Plane
Mom and Hannah Sleeping on the Plane

We have one or two little kids sitting behind us. One of them is kicking mom’s seat. This is going to be fun… (not)

Note: unless otherwise stated, all times are in military/24 hr time with either the 3 character timezone code or the city name.

23:19 MST, 5:19 in Reykjavík, Iceland (our layover destination), 7:19 in Stockholm, Sweden (our final destination).

I just got back from taking my contacts out. They were beginning to bother me. I guess I should have waited to put them in until this afternoon right before we left. On well, lesson learned. I’m really glad I had the stuff I needed to take them out them. The other lesson I learned: when flying overseas, just expect to loose a night of sleep.

On another note, I unplugged my iPhone at ~13:30 MST, it is now 23:42 MST and I am still at 35% battery life. I even watched a 90 minute movie, enabled in-flight Wi-Fi, and turned on Bluetooth to use my keyboard. I’ve also been playing music for the entire flight. I’m impressed.

We are now 45 minutes from our destination according to the in-seat TV. I’m setting Music to play my favorites (I love the up-next feature in iOS 8.4) and going to try and stop thinking about how much my bottom hurts.