Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Day 4: At Sea


We started out really late, nine o’clock or so, because we have such a dark room in the interior of the ship and we don’t have any windows so we were all just thinking that it was three in the morning and went back to bed. Finally I figured out and looked at my watch. Oh well we had some nice rest. We actually didn’t have breakfast because we were so late getting started. Instead we got ready to go to this “Meet and Greet” meeting hosted by this group called “Cruise Critic” (if you ever want to go on a cruise check it out, I actually don’t know what it is but it must be good or else mom wouldn’t  have used it). Anyway Hannah and I got ready before mom and Oma so we went up to the Crows Nest to write yesterday’s post. The meeting, by the way was at the Crows Nest on one side. We were sitting on the other side looking out at the ocean in front of us. Mom showed up at the meeting late, really late, so late that she missed the entire meeting. She did show up for the mingling time after the meeting and somehow or another she ended up talking to some ladies about the iPad and how they didn’t know how to use it. Well she volunteered me to teach an iPad class. I had come over just as she was doing so and I was just a little surprised. Well, I walked out of the Crows Nest with an iPad class with four women at two o’clock in the afternoon. We decided to go have some lunch and after we ate we went to play ping-pong until time for me to teach the iPad class. The iPad class went well, our progress: we made it to learning how to mass delete photos! Anyway after an hour of class we decided that we would have another class the next day at the same time two o’clock. Remember this time, it will come in handy near the end of the day. After I was finished with the class I joined club HAL for ice cream an then plagued ping-ping with mom. Then Hannah and I went swimming for a little while. Once we were done we went back to the room to get dressed for the formal dinner. The formal dinner is a very formal occasion. I wore a suit and tie. If you’re reading this Nic, thank you for the suit, it has come in handy. Goodwill also helped out by supplying the shoes and tie. The food was delicious, we had an appetizer, soup, an entree and a desert. All of which were good. After our dinner we went to go see a pianist perform. Before he started though, the guy announced that there would be a time change in the middle of the day tomorrow, at two o’clock. There will be no two o’clock tomorrow. He joked that he was going to work out from two till three. Now remember that time I told you to remember? Well if you remember I had scheduled my iPad class at two o’clock but tomorrow it not exist, oops. Anyway the pianist was really good. I enjoyed the songs. One of the songs was a medley of some of Beethoven songs made modern, it was really interesting. It just goes to show that the melodies are the same just the style, and instruments that the melodies are played on change. After that show as we were going towards our room we saw another thing set up. It was a game show. We decided to watch that, they took some people form the audience that wanted to do it and one of the guys from the staff asked the questions. One of ladies was just not good at all but he staff guy made her feel fine. He asked all of the other people to step back and let her get some questions for only herself. One time when she answered a question “John F. Kennedy!” he said, “Yes, also known as Jimmy Carter but you know he went by a lot of things back then.” Anyway everyone had a good time and it was really funny to watch. After that we came back to our room and got ready for bed. I am currently writing his post and getting tirrrrrrrreeeeeeedddddd oops, I think I held down a key on he keyboard, that probably means I should go to bed.



So today we got to tour the ship. It is VERY interesting. The first thing that happened today was sleeping until 10:00 am. It wasn’t my fault! The ship had a time change. SO we kind of slept in. By the time we got up, it was already 1 hour till lunch. We missed breakfast that day. (Sumner wasn’t too happy about that.) Anyway, the lunch was buffet. AGAIN. Oh well. after lunch, Sumner and I both went to Club HAL. It was fun. We got to go to ice cream with the little kids. They are SO cute. After ice cream, we went back to the Club room. If you like Wii games, you might like this one. It is called Just Dance II. (Just Dance 2) It is a game where you dance to fun music. Although, It is VERY tiring. I left to go to the pool again. It was fun. But it was VERY hectic when we had to get ready for FORMAL DINNER. Formal Dinner (AKA FD) I got to wear a REALLY pretty dress. The entire was properly dressed. Although we did see a few men in Tuxedos. They looked very nice. All of the crew are either from Indonesia or the Philippines. They are all very helpful and nice. The staff, important, pilot stewardess/stewards people are all Dutch. No one is from the USA. After FD, we went to a concert. it was a rock pianist. If you are a musician, you would have had fun. My favorite was when he jazzed/rocked up Beethoven’s 5th. It was REALLY cool. Oh. He also played chopsticks with chopsticks. It was SO cool! After that, we went to a thing that was kind of like Jeopardy. It was so funny. This one lady was in last place, so the host gave her an advantage by making the other 3 contestants step back. She got asked a quote, and she said John F Kennedy. The host said “great job! John F Kennedy is correct! But he also goes by Jimmy Carter!” It was SO funny. See ya’ll later!
