Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Day 19: City that Starts with a "C" (Civiteveccia); Start of Second Part of Cruise


So today we were docked at a port which I won’t tell you the name of because I can’t even spell it let alone say, or pronounce it. I will tell you however that it is close to Rome so I will just call this port Rome for simplicity sake. In this port one cruise starts and another starts, like I told you about in the last post. Therefore we had to get up early to get packed up to move cabins (if you recall, we are upgrading to a room with a balcony/verandah). I wnet looking for colton to say goodby to them, I couldn’t find them for a while but then I found them and was able to say goodbye. It has been nice for the past few weeks to have someone to hand out with on the ship and so I was pretty sad to see them go. Luckily I have their email so we can stay in touch. It will be hard to find someone to take their place as boat-friends but it doesn’t matter so much for this part because there are a lot of ports and not so much time on the ship. Then we had to wait a while they got our room ready. After our room was ready and they had already moved our luggage in we came in and out our stuff down. Next we went up to the Lido Deck for lunch. As we were eating we looked out the window and watched all of the people come in. At one point a family with two boys, Noah  and Elijah, we assume that they were Christians because before they ate they prayed, I never got to really ask them. Anyway, Noah is fifteen and Elijah is thirteen. Another family also came in with kids, one is named Hannah (I don’t know if she spells it with an “h” at the end or not). She is eleven. Her brother name is Logan. He is fourteen and looks about sixteen or seventeen or so. The girl as well looks older than she really is, she looks to be about fourteen or so but as I said she is only eleven. After lunch mom and I went to go see a talk about some of the ports that we are going to in the Vista Lounge. It was by the official travel guide along with another lady and all that they did is advertise the ships shore excursions. We were a little surprised because the other talks that he had done were actually interesting, not just “Oo ah, buy our shore excursions, yay”. Anyway at right I went up to The Loft to see if any others would come. It was just me and her leader for most of the time, one girl, from the Philippines came for half an hour, maybe fourty-five minutes, somewhere around that. We just played some games and then when Hannah was done with her stuff we went back to the room and got ready for bed.



Today I woke up REALLY early to try and catch Colton, Sebastian and Nathan before they had to leave. Sumner and I went up and down the stairs at least 15-20 times. And we called their room a billion times as well. FINALLY… Colton called and said, “Meet you at the buffet!” So Sumner went, and I went to their room to try to speak to Sebastian and Nathan. The door “magically” opened when I was permitted in. (AKA Sebastian) when I got in Sebastian loudly said “BE QUIET, NATHAN IS STILL SLEEPING!!!” Of course, as most boys do, he did not wake up. Their mom came out of the bathroom to say ONE LAST GOODBYE. We woke Nathan up so he could say bye to me. Though, he was still half asleep when he said it. I then went to try to find Sumner and Colton. It took me quite a while to find them/him. I got there when they were getting their breakfast. I am SO sad because they were SUCH good friends to me. OH well. At least I still have his contact. After we said all of our goodbyes, we finished packing and headed up to breakfast ourselves. We had a hurried breakfast and went back to the “old” room to do last minute packings. YOu see, we were NOT getting off the boat for good. NO SIR! We were just “Up grading” our room. (AKA moving rooms.) We got to move form the 1st floor to the 4th floor. It took a while to get our keycards and my life-boat-wrist-band, but we got it eventually. then came the BIG moment of truth. We got to see our new room! It is smaller in the inside, but we DO have a balcony/veranda. It is SO cool! I actually like this contraptionish thing better than the other room. But I like the house-keeper-men better in the first room than in our new room. I still am glad mom was able to upgrade. After seeing our new room, I went back to our old room to try to give thank you cards to the men. I did and I think they REALLY appreciated getting the postcards. AFter that, I wandered about the boat doing nothing. I then met Sumner for a game of ping-pong. I beat him, then he beat me, then He beatme, then I beat him. Funny huh? After pin pong, we went down to the library to play checkers. Though we played it a different way than normal. We played all kings, and when you got to your other side, you got triple kings, and then when you got to your original starting place, you got quadruple kings. I beat Sumner. Heeheehee. We then decided to play card games with mom. We played Monopoly Deal and Phase 10. They are REALLLY good games to play. You should check them out and get them. After the games, we went for lunch. Oma wasn’t feeling good, so she stayed in the room while we had lunch. From where we were sitting, we got to see ALL of the new people get on the ship. It was fun. Did you know there is another girl by the name of Hannah? Funny huh? But I am older than the other Hannah. She is 11 and I am 12. We got to meet some other boys. Elijah (13) and Noah (15) are from MIchigan, and Logan (14) and Hannah (11) are from Missouri. the other Hannah looks A LOT older than 11. She looks more like a 14 year old, and her brother looks like a 17 year old. It is kind of funny. After lunch, we had to go to the emergancy drill. EVERYONE HAS to go, or if you don’t want to participate, you will GET THROWN OFF THE SHIP!! Dun, dun, duuuuuun. (I hope you know what that means.) After the fire drill, we got ready and whortly after went to dinner. Still without Oma. But we took dinner to her afterwards. We got our same waiter we had the last part of the cruise. Jeff and Weda are still REALLY nice to us. Tonight, Jeff mand me a napkin bunny. You can make the bunny move too! after dinner I went to Club HAL. I am the oldest in my group of 3-12 yr olds. sumner I one of the youngest in his group of 13-17 yr olds. It’s just me and the Auzzies. Really! (With the exception of Ethan the boy from the last cruise.) It was quite dull today, maybe it will rowdier as the time goes on. After Club HAL, I came back to the room and went to bed. And here I still am typing into my old age. JUST KIDDING!
