Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Day 1: Flight to Ft. Lauderdale FL


Day 1

Today was VERY tiring. We had to get up at 3:00 in the morning!! We were VERY lucky to have a driver drive us to the airport. The flight was basically uneventful, except the landing was a little rough. We expected sunny skies, crowded beaches, and fun in the sun. But instead, it looks like monsoon season! Or maybe even a hurricane! The rain is pouring cats and dogs, and the wind in howling like a wolf on a full moon. We didn’t do much today. Just hung out, and got a few other necessities. Tomorrow is VERY exciting. Oma (my grandma and my moms mom) is coming to Fort Lauderdale. (That is where we are staying before the cruise.) AHHH!!! Did you know that Wednesday is when we are leaving for the cruise! I can’t wait! See you all later!

Hannah     :)


We started out the day very early at about 3:15. We finished the last bits of packing that we had to do and then waited for our driver to come take us to the airport. The drive was uneventful and we made it through the airport fine. Nothing of note happened on the flight. The process of getting our luggage and the rental car was very easy. We walked maybe two, maybe three hundred yards to get our bags which were right there, no wait whatsoever. From there it was another two or three hundred yards to the rental car place. In the plane right before we were told to “Please turn off your electronic devices” mom had gone online with her phone and was renting a car from it. We go the confirmation code right before we had to turn off our electronic devices. We wrote it down and hoped that was all that we needed. It was, and within just a few minutes we were walking out and getting in a car. The drive to the hotel was easy and, though not the cream of the crop, the hotel is nice enough. It has a place to sleep and, really, that’s all that we need if for. The cruise is the nice part of the trip. We had a very nice meal at the local mall’s food court. It was the nicest food court experience that I have ever had. The court was made to look like a Roman courtyard and instead of separately owned restaurants they were all owned by on company. So you ordered what you wanted at the restaurant that you decided to get food from, and then you went to the check out counters which were for all of the restaurants. The food was delicious. I had something from the Mexican place. I’m not sure what but whatever it was, was good. The rest of the day went by without much of interest happening.
