Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Twenty-ninth Day - Hoi An 11/30/10

Written by Human, Not by AI


Today is our las day in Hoi An, well actually it is our last partial day. We leave for the ariport at eleven o’clock this morining to go to Da Nang for our flight to Saigon/Ho Chi Min City.

First we rented three bikes (dad didn’t go because his knee hurt) and rode around the side streets. We found a way to go to the riverside so we rode allong that for a while. Then we had breakfast and packed up to go to Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon.

We drove to the airport and said goodbye to Phong and boarded the plane. It was about the same distance as it was from Hanoi to Hue so it wasn’t very bad. When we arived we were picked up by our hotel. We arived and a mad opened the door for us but the people were deffinentily not nearly as welcoming as at the Elegence. Then we went to reseption and got the key to our room. We setteled into our big room and then went out to see what Ho Chi Minh City is like. Firs though we asked the reseptionist about a tour to the Cu Chi Tunnels. The person in charge of tours was gone and he didn’t know how to do the job (unlike the people at the Elegence who can do almost every job). He told us to check later about it so we went outside to get a taste of Saigon.

We imediatly decided that if we ever come to live in Vietnam we would prefer to live in Saigon. Why? Well, here they don’t block the side walk at all, save a few chairs and such. And they actually obey red lights so you can actually cross the street without getting run over. We also decided that Hanoi was the better place to stay for a long period of time because it was a better cultural expereince. After walking for a while we went to get some dinner. It was at a good Vietnamese restaurant with a lady playing traditional music on a Vietnamese instrument. It was wierd because they had Christmas decorations in the place, it just doesn’t see like Christmas in this hot climate.

After dinner we went back to the hotel and checked on the tour. We were able to get a private tour to Cu Chi so we went upstairs and went to bed.