Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Thirty-ninth Day - Phu Quoc and Trip to Saigon 12/10/10


Today was our last day on Phu Quoc. We swam in the ocean and in the pool for a couple of hours and then packed up to go back to Saigon. After we were packed up we went to the resorts restaurant for lunch. It came late, thirty miniutes after we ordered. We only had fifteen minutes to finish our meals. After lunch we were picked up to go to the airport. We got onto the plane fine and on the way we had one last view of Cassia Cotages. We knew that it was Cassia because of the houses and a house-boat in th water just outside Cassia Cottages. It was a very short flight. It was only about one hour long, half the length of the trip from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City. We got to the airport and went outside to find our guy. There must have been some confusion because there wasn’t anyone there. We had to wait for thirty minutes to find anyone. He then took us to the wrong taxi. Another man showed up and said that a big van was coming. Then instead of waiting to get the van they decided to move us to another taxi that was the exact same size as the one before. We made it to the hotel and went to reseption to get our key and go to our room. The told us that we had to pay for the room that we stayed in last time and the room that we are going to stay in this time. We wanted just to pay at the end so that we could use as much Dong (that’s the currency here) as we wanted for shoping and then use the rest to pay the bill. Then if there was any leftover cost we would pay it in dollars. We tried to tell them but they said that we had to pay anyway. We paid some in dong and some in dolars. Then they said that we owed another twenty-eight cents. We asked what that was in Dong and they calculated that for us. It came out to be six thousand Dong so dad pulled out his walet and gave them a five thousand and they said one more. Mom then pulled out a one thousand and put it down, a little violently. Done. We went to our room and got settle in. Then we swam for a minute went out for dinner and went to bed.