Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Soc Tran Trip

Written by Human, Not by AI


Hello, today was a very special and memorable day. Today we started at in a city called Can Tho. Can Tho is also a very special day, because when Mom, dad and Sumner came to get me in Soc Tran, they stayed in a hotel very close to the one we stayed in this trip.

This morning we went to a floating market. It was very cool, because the floating market is like an open super market. BUT  the hard part is that you instead of just getting two or three carrots, for example, you have to buy at least 1 Kilo. (about 2 pounds.) it’s like going to costco! But the coolest thing at the floating market was that we got to try some fresh Pineapple. There is a legend about the pineapple, but of course I will not tell you about it because it is a very long story, so if you WANT to know the story, please ask me when I get back to the states. Any way After the floating market, we went to go buy some food for the kids in the orphanage. we got a whole lot of stuff, because we THOUGHT that there would maybe…100-200 kids in the orphanage. (That is how many kids were in my orphanage. About.) We bought plenty of rice and a lot of toys for the children. Then we headed to Soc Tran. We arrived at the orphanage at around 1:00 so we had lunch and then headed back on the road. When we got there. We asked for a lady that was at the orphanage when I was 1. Mrs. Van, (the vice president that is now at the orphanage.) she  is and was a doctor, so she only took care of the sick and unhealthy babies. She did not reconage me, but said she thought she worked with me. She claimed to say I was very thin before my adoption. After talking with her for a while when she found some records of me on a piece of paper that had the records of the adoption date. That was kind of hard, because she could not find my name, Ngyuen Ngoc Thuy. That means Jade Water. When we FINALLY  got out of the hot and stuffy room, we went to the rooms, where the kids lived. To our suprise, they only had 29 orphans. Mainly disabled kids, who would probably never get adopeted. Also there was some babies. There was one babie who was 4 months, and mom just got atached to her, or should I say he, the babie got atached to mom. Sumner and I along with our guide Anh, handed out cany and cookies. The kids really appriciated the food. I found a friend who was 10, but she was very small because she did not get the nutrisions. Sumner found a friend and played the feather kicky thingy with him. He was very  good at the game. We went by my room I staye in which is now a place for very sick adults. We kept on walking until we got to another room with kids. Though they mainly had disabled kids. I feel bad for a few boys who did not get any candy, or actually could not have they seemed a little upset. Sumner had found a very good friend who played building blocks with him. There was a very poor babie, who was I think 1 month old and was drinking form a bottle. With no one holding up the bottle. It was propped up on the blanket  which gave the poor babie a little covering. After haveing some time playing with the children, we had to “sighn” our goodbyes. We said a hard good bye to Sumner and My friend Tam, and went to our hotel. We changed our clothes and went to the HUMUNGUS swimming pool. They had built 2 huge swimming pools. one for little kids, and one for people who like to do laps and just hang out in nice deep water. We got back to the hotel. And had dinner. Dinner ws kind of frightful, because it was a deserted place with no one but us eating at the restaurant. We ate a scary dinner, so we were glad to finish up. We then had a crisis with the toilet. Whe you are at a nice 3 star hotel, they do not fix any toilet poblems, we had a hard time talking to the guy at the front desk. He said that mom talked like a rabbit, so at one point he turned to me and blabbered some thing in Vietnamese to me. mom said I did not know Vietnamese, so we just had to act/write out what we wanted to say. It was finny because he said he
would sent up an elctrician man. Sumner said he would call a plummer not an electrision. Now It is time to go to bed, So…
