Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

Phu Quoc

Written by Human, Not by AI


Day… half

Hello, yesterday, arrived on Phu Quoc Island. It will be our 5th  time ever seeing the beach. The ride over to the island was very hard, because we had a 2-3 hour boat ride. The boat went really fast, and was kind of like an airplane, but on the water. mom thought that the ride would be terribly rough, so she took some medicine, but the boat was as smooth as smooth could be. Any way, when we arrived on the island, we had a taxi pick us up, and take us to our REALLY fancy hotel, which is right next to the beach. we can just walk out the door, and go to the beach. Sumner and I played in the beach. It was fun, because both Sumner and I caught a crab. I found a cool shell, and then suddenly a claw stretched out to attempt  pinch me. Though I must say that it was fun seeing it run it’s head of to get to the water. Well we walked a little way to a restaurant on the beach. It was supposed to face the sunset, but it was pitch black all around us, PLUS it was lightning some thing fierce. so we hurried to get to our beach house. I think we will be spoiled here on Phu Quoc, cause we get  a huge house just to our selves. Well goodnight!!

Day 1

So today we just hung around the beach. For the morning at least. Our entire family went out for a walk to see if we could go get  some trips booked. Then  we headed out to town. As you know, we are the great explorers from the Evans house. Anyway, we finished going around town, when Sumner got hungry, ( though, he is ALWAYS hungry,) and wanted something to eat, so on the way back to our “cottage,” we stopped at a pizza and stuff restaurant. I twas really funny, because mom accidentally ordered 2 pizzas instead of 1. I the waitress thought that, when mom asked for the size of the pizza, she wanted another pizza. When we finally arrived back at the hotel,at maybe… 1:00 in the afternoon, we put our bathing suites on and jumped in the surprisingly warm pool. I made friends with a 9 year old girl who lives in Norway and has been learning English for 2 years. She speaks pretty good English. Anyway, we played for a long time, and then I had to say goodbye to her. For the night. Our family went to a place down at a beach where we were going to book some trips with the company. we had to sit on the porch, because Sumner, mom, and I were getting bitten by some ants. After while Alligators!

Day 2

So, today we woke 8:00. Not really late, but we had an exciting day ahead of us. WE were going Snorkeling for an entire day. Now that sounded really fun, but of course it WAS fun but toward the end of the day, I got a little tired of the ocean. We went to 4 different dive sights. I got sort of scared of the rocks and all of the spiky stuff the first time we went out. But before the first time we snorkeled, we tried to catch some fish. Sumner caught 2 fish. But only 1 got put in the bucket. Dad caught 3, and I caught none. Don’t think that I did not even try to catch fish, (like mom,) but I just got bad luck on the fish. Anyway, we saw some men fishing for Sea Urchins. Yes I know that you are probably wondering what Sea Urchins. At first I thought they were some sort of mythical fish, but no. They are these REALLY, REALLY  sharp sea plants. If you step on them, you can have your foot punctured really bad, so I suggest that if you see a Sea Urchin, don’t step or touch it.
  After the first few swims, we got called to lunch. WE got to try Sea Urchin Eggs, and Sea Urchin Rice Soup. Personally I thought that the eggs tasted really bad. But every one has their own opinions. But luckily we did not have Se Urchin for lunch, instead we had fish, fish fillet,and other stuff. ( As you can see, I only put the “important” stuff in my blogs.) we had a couple of swims, and then went on our way back to the harbor. Oh, and if you want to know if there is any corral left, there is some. But sadly, the corral has either been dynamited, or bleached.

     Well, we drove for a while after we finished docking, when we arrived at a beach that had lovely sand and surroundings.We played there for a while, and then headed back to our resort. We finished the day of with some nice cool swims, and then zonked out on our beds.

Day 3

Hello, today we really did not do any thing but swim, hang out and be well, lazy. I played with my friend Ellenor ( the Norwegian girl) we looked for pretty shells. Then swam in the pool for 2 whole hours with her sister. At noon we got called to lunch when we were in the middle of a card game. Ellenor and her sister Jenne taught us how to play a Norwegian card game. And I taught them how to play an English game. Well that is basically all that happened today, so goodbye!
Oops! I forgot to tell you that Sumner and dad went on a squid fishing trip. You have to go at night, or the squid will be hard to catch. Mom and I did not want to go, so we had a girls night. Nothing special except that during dinner we had a blackout. But the strange thing about the blackout, was that the TV was on and the neon green sign was on  AND  the other restaurants around us had electricity. See you later!!!

Day 4

So, today we had a “thrilling” day. Can you guess what we did? Well our entire family went on a xe om. ( which means hug bike.)Literally a hug bike, because I had to hug onto mom so I would not fall of. Mom REALLY wanted to honk her horn at dad and Sumner, so when mom found a good chance with no one on the highway except our family, so mom put a little slack on to our ride so that the boys could get ahead of us, we sped up and mom went “honk, honk.” She did it a few times, just because she wanted to “be like the Vietnamese.” 
   We rode rode on this rickety bridge. Seriously, the bridge was basically a bridge structure with thick steel sheets, tied with really thick metal. That was the rode on top of the bridge. Mom was scared on the bridge, but found out that it was kind of fun.
   For lunch, we went to a German restaurant. Dad got a Bratwurst, but it turned out to be a hot dog. We had to turn around, because mom was getting “fried.” so back to the hotel we went, but we passed our hotel, a gas station, more hotels, and finally mom asked what dad was looking for. He said he was looking for a gas station. We had already gone past one, so back we went back to the gas station. The rest of the day we just hung out “again"at the beach and pool, so there is really not much more to say.

 Last day on Phu Quoc Island

So today is our last day on Phu Quoc island. I am really sad, mom says she has been kind of spoiled. We got about an hour and a half to play at the beach and the pool. I collected more shell and Sumner and I had a water/ splashing fight. we were swimming with mom, when she asked if those black specks in the water was trash or a n animal. Sumner had is goggles on so, he was the one who had to do the looking. He said that the two black things that were coming toward us were black Jelly Fish, we got out of the water pretty fast.
We just finished packing, so we are heading out to lunch. Guess what. We did not get our lunch till 15 minutes before we needed to leave, so Got to hurry up and go!

                                            GOOD BYE PHU QUOC!!!!!