Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Beeper

My Matrix Governing Board Platform

Posted on in Technology • 400 words • 2 minute read
Tags: Matrix, Matrix Governing Board

I’m running for the Matrix Governing Board as an Individual Member. I work on bridges1 and backend infrastructure2 as a software engineer at Beeper. You may have met me at one of the Matrix meetups3 and possibly even seen me giving a presentation at one of them. I’ve contributed multiple spec clarifications4 and been involved in many MSCs both personally and through my position at Beeper5.

If elected, my primary goal as a member of the Governing Board would be to encourage a focus on chat and increase ecosystem diversity.

FOCUS ON CHAT: If Matrix doesn’t become the backbone for interoperable chat, the damage that siloed chat platforms do to personal privacy and data sovereignty will continue to go unchecked. The foundation should be SOLELY investing in making Matrix into the best platform for federated, interoperable chat. The Foundation should not invest in speculative ideas such as VR/AR, P2P Matrix, low-bandwidth Matrix, IOT Matrix, etc. until the chat ecosystem is healthy.

ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY: The best way to create a healthy ecosystem is to have ecosystem diversity. We need multiple complete implementations of the (meg)olm protocol for cryptography6, multiple viable homeserver implementations, multiple featureful clients, etc. Every new implementation stress-tests the Matrix spec, and introduces new ideas into the ecosystem which benefits all of us.

I am a member of the Matrix community first and an employee of Beeper second. I got my job through TWIM, and I want to see the Matrix ecosystem thrive. I’m concerned with the current direction of the ecosystem, and I want to do my part in turning the tide.

  1. Notable bridges I’ve worked on include LinkedIn, iMessage, and WhatsApp; and I’ve contributed to the Go and Python SDKs. ↩︎

  2. Notably, I started the hungryserv project. ↩︎

  3. I went to the first Berlin Matrix Community Summit and FOSDEM in both 2023 and 2024↩︎

  4. I clarified how SAS works in #1719 and #1720 and I clarified that there was a bug in libolm which caused the m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 key backup algorithm to be implemented incorrectly in #1712. I also clarified a detail of the /context endpoint in #1239↩︎

  5. I authored MSC4027: Propose method of specifying custom images in reactions and I contributed to MSC2246: Asynchronous media uploads by Tulir and MSC3860: Media Download Redirects by Nick Mills-Barrett↩︎

  6. DerLukas has started goolm which we integrated into mautrix-go as an experimental option. I want to see more of this n the future. ↩︎