Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper

What Happens After You Push?

In this article we are going to be investigating how the code you write gets to your users. This article is intended for consumption by computer science and software engineering students to provide insights into technologies and processes you might encounter in industry. This will be focused specifically on software delivery in web-based SaaS offerings rather than more traditional software delivery methods such as those seen in embedded systems. Every software project has different process for building, testing, and deploying to users and I’m not going to discuss every possible technology which might be used for each of these steps. Rather, I’m going to be describing what kinds of software might be used. I’ll describe how these systems affect the day-to-day work of software engineers, and I’ll also provide some thoughts on how you might integrate some of these ideas into your own personal projects.

I’m a big believer in personal projects as a way to differentiate yourself from other candidates. However, merely building another to-do app based on a React tutorial is not going to set you apart from your competition. But if you make the same to-do app, use CI to build a Docker container for it on every commit, automatically deploy it with GitHub Actions to a Kubernetes in AWS ECS, set up an alerting flow into PagerDuty for when it goes down, and have structured logging queryable from Loki, then that becomes an interesting side project that could differentiate you from other candidates. Another benefit of building a way to deploy your code is that you can actually show it to recruiters! You don’t want this to be what the recruiter thinks when they look at your GitHub:

Image of "I am new to GitHub and I have lots to say from r/github

Credit: Reddit r/github

I’m going to be focusing on three main facets of deploying code to production: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Containerization and Orchestration, and Monitoring and Logging.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

According to the 2024 StackOverflow Survey, CI/CD is used by nearly 70% of all developers.1

Image of the most commonly used processes, tools, and programs according to the 2024 StackOverflow developer survey
CI/CD is the most commonly available technology within professional software development organizations.

Credit: 2024 StackOverflow Developer Survey

Continuous Delivery

Let’s first discuss Continuous Delivery. To do so, we have to go back to the dark ages before web apps were the norm. Before the web app boom in the 2000’s, most software was deployed to users via CD-ROMs and floppy disks. Users would buy a physical copy of the software and install it on their computer. New versions were only released every few years or sometimes even more infrequently than that. There was nothing “continuous” about the delivery of software in those days.

As web apps became more prevalent, users were no longer installing software on their computers, they just visited the web app. On the deployment side, shipping a new version of software to users became trivial. Instead of having to create a new disk and do a marketing campaign about a new version, all you have to do is update the server! As soon as the user refreshes their page, they’d have the latest version of your application!

This ability to deploy software rapidly began to change the way that software was built and sold. Companies no longer had to include lots of new features in every new version of the software so that the marketers could convince people to buy the new version. Instead, companies could make small iterations on the software, and charge a monthly fee for access to the web app. This SaaS model has become the dominant model for deploying applications to users, and has given rise to lots of changes in the software industry. In particular, the Agile software development pattern of rapid, small iterations is made possible by deploying to users quickly and regularly.

The term continuous delivery describes a software engineering philosophy where new versions of the software are deployed regularly, often as soon as a change is made or shortly thereafter. The degree of continuousness varies greatly between companies, teams, and projects.

Continuous Delivery Methods

There’s about as many ways to do CD as there are projects using CD. There is a sliding scale of deployment automation based on the needs of the project:

  • Degree to which manual intervention is required: industries such as healthcare likely have more compliance requirements and will likely have more manual approvals required before deploying software updates. Industries such as the one I am in: chat, have fewer requirements and might require only minimal manual intervention.

  • Scope of deployment: it is common for teams to only deploy immediately to a small subset of users (often just company employees or even a subset thereof). After testing, the code is deployed more widely. This strategy is often called canary deployment.

    An example of a commonly-used practice is A/B testing. A segment of the userbase (often 1% or 10%) will be served using the new version while the rest of the userbase is still on the old version. Then, specific metrics such as number of crashes per user, user engagement, or click-through rate are monitored. If there is a regression in some metric for the users on the new version, then the change can be reverted.

    Another strategy you might encounter is green-blue deployment. You have two environments (the green one and the blue one). At any given time, one environment is your production environment, and the other is a staging environment. The staging environment is updated and verifications are run, and then the environments are swapped. This (ideally) allows fast reversions back to the old version if something goes wrong. Things get complicated when you have data migrations, but that’s a topic for another article.

  • Deploy cadence: some companies deploy immediately when there is a push to master/main, while others have a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even bi-annual or annual cadence. At which point you decide it’s no longer “continuous” is pretty subjective, especially if there is a different level of continuousness for different portions of the userbase (internal users, alpha testers, beta testers, general release).

Continuous Delivery Tools

Continuous Delivery has to be very customized to your project’s infrastructure, so tooling varies greatly between companies. In many cases, the tooling is custom-built by the company. At Beeper, we currently have a combination of Argo CD for managing our Kubernetes clusters and a bunch of custom software for deploying various parts of our infrastructure.

Simpler projects might use things like GitHub Actions or GitLab CI/CD to automate deployment of their application.

Adding Continuous Delivery to Your Project

So, how do you add Continuous Delivery to your side project? The first thing you need is a reproducible and deterministic process for deploying your software. I’ll talk about some technologies that make this easier later, but the most important thing is that your deployment process must not be haphazard. At the start, it might just be a series of steps written down in a README.

The next step is to start automating things. Begin writing shell scripts for individual tasks and start chaining them together.

Then, using whatever CI/CD software your Git host provides (almost all of them have some CI/CD solution), create a pipeline that invokes those scripts.

If you are struggling to think of a project you can start continuously delivering, maybe start with a personal website, or implement CD on a simple tutorial project. The most important thing is to be lazy. If it’s repetitive, make the computer do it!

This website is an example of how you can use CD on a personal project. There is a GitHub Action which builds the website using Hugo and deploys it to GitHub Pages. It’s not anything fancy, but just getting familiar with the concepts and tools is valuable.

At work, every push to the main branch of a mautrix bridge repositories invokes a build and deploys the change to all Beeper employees. We have some custom tools that perform the actual deployment, but the process is controlled by a GitLab CI/CD pipeline definition.

Continuous Integration

You might be thinking: this seems scary! Deploying changes immediately to users? Won’t you have bugs? That is where Continuous Integration comes in.

As its name implies, Continuous Integration is a software engineering practice where code written by developers is integrated rapidly. Integration is the process by which code written by an individual developer is brought into the broader project codebase. Developers are encouraged to merge their code iteratively rather than in large batches.

Now, you might still be thinking: this feels even more chaotic! How do I know if the iterative changes are actually correct? That’s where two important concepts come in: source control and automation.

Source Control

The first way to reduce the chaos is to use a source control system such as Git. I’ve discussed Git in a past presentation for ACM. The most important thing you need to understand is that Git allows multiple people to work on the same codebase asynchronously. It provides tools for keeping changes separate until you merge (integrate) them into the wider codebase.

Git allows individual developers to iterate quickly on a branch and verify their changes before integrating more widely into the codebase.


When you push code to a repository, that will trigger a set of automated checks to verify your changes. This might include:

  • Building the Code: one of the most common checks is to actually just build the executable. If the code compiles, then it is infinitely more likely to be correct than if it doesn’t compile.

  • Linting: a linter is a piece of software which checks your code for mistakes. The definition of mistake is pretty broad and can include things such as:

    • not meeting the code formatting standards of the organization
    • using deprecated/vulnerable function calls or libraries
    • finding certain bad-practices such as misuse of a mathematical rand in a cryptography context

    One of the main benefits of automated linting is that code reviewers don’t have to spend time critiquing code style since that process is automated.

  • Tests: if your codebase has tests (it almost always should have some), they are very likely to be run as an automated check. Ideally, your tests should be written to catch regressions caused by an unintended consequence of future code changes.

    Some people split up their tests into unit, integration, and end-to-end tests. In my opinion, these distinctions are somewhat academic and often very blurry. Often times, all of these types of tests use the same underlying test framework. However, in general:

    • unit tests are for small pieces of code, often only a specific function, class, struct, or module
    • integration tests are for testing the interaction between modules within a codebase
    • end-to-end tests spin up an entire test environment including things like databases and run tests observing the external behaviour of the system

    To me, the distinction between these different types of tests is less important than (a) having the tests at all and (b) running them on every push.

Continuous Integration Tools

Many of the tools that I mentioned in the Continuous Delivery section also provide CI capabilities. Some of the most common overarching tools include:

  • GitHub Actions: great if you are already using GitHub.
  • GitLab CI/CD: great if you are already using GitLab.
  • Jenkins: one of the oldest and most widely used CI/CD solutions.
  • Bamboo: great if you are already using Atlassian products (BitBucket, Jira, Confluence).

Every project will have its own set of specific automated checks, many of which might be custom checks. I’m going to list a few that I’ve worked with and explain what they provide, but the number of possible tools is very diverse and every company and project will probably have its own set of automated processes.

  • pre-commit for configuring a set of automated checks to run. Example run and config.
  • black formatter for Python. I like this one because it’s very opinionated and highly deterministic.
  • gofmt and goimports formatters for Go. These are also highly opinionated and result in all Go code being formatted the same way.
  • Go vet for finding common mistakes in Go code.
  • rustfmt formatter for Rust.

What CI Means for Software Engineers

How does CI affect the day-to-day of a software engineer? I think that there are three main implications:

  1. Do all (or almost all) of your work on a branch. This will allow you to iterate quickly without affecting other developers on the project. I very often use branches on projects where I’m the only contributor so that I get the benefits of automated checks before I merge.
  2. Commit early and often, and push liberally. Every commit is a savefile for your code, and pushing ensures that if your computer goes kaput, you’ll not lose all your work.
  3. Don’t rely on CI to do all the testing, linting and building for you. You should install and be able to run all the tools that the automated processes invoke. That way, you can have fast iteration cycles and reproduce issues locally. This is especially true when it comes to linting, you should install whatever linter the project uses so that you can keep your code formatted to the specification of the project.

Very often, projects will require the automated processes to succeed on a branch before that branch can be merged to master/main. This helps ensure that the code on master/main is always “good”.

Adding Continuous Integration to Your Project

The first steps to adding CI to your project are to pick the automatic checks you want to perform on the code. Choose a linter to enforce your preferred code style, write tests to verify your code’s behaviour, and determine the set of steps required to build your code.

Then, just like the process with CD, start automating things with scripts if necessary and pick a CI software to run those automations on every push.

Then you can play around with adding restrictions to certain branches, say not allowing merges to main until all tests and lints pass.

In my opinion, it’s a lot easier to add CI to a personal project, since almost every software project has a build process that can be performed every commit. All projects should have a specific code style that can be enforced by a linter. Most projects should also have some tests that can be performed as well.

I have multiple projects with automated build and lint processes. For example webfortune and even my Advent of Code repo.

Open source projects I contribute to such as Nix home-manager run tests on every PR.

At work, every push to the main branch of a mautrix bridge repositories invokes a build and runs pre-commit lint checks which include static analysis and formatting checks.

Containerization and Orchestration

Remember how I mentioned that you want a reproducible way of deploying software to users? Well, we are now going to switch gears and discuss two of the most prevalent technologies for delivering web-based software to users: Docker and Kubernetes.

According to the StackOverflow survey, Docker is used by 53% of developers and Kubernetes is used by 20% of developers.2

Image of the most popular other tools according to the 2024 StackOverflow developer survey
Docker and Kubernetes are among the most popular technologies used by professional developers

Credit: 2024 StackOverflow Developer Survey


In order to understand Docker, we need to understand the problem that it solved.

Pretty much all code has some dependencies. Maybe it relies on a specific Linux OS, specific system libraries, and specific external programs. Now imagine that it also relies on having specific versions of each of these things.

That’s a lot of things to manage! Now imagine that you have to deploy your program to servers across multiple datacenters located all around the world so that your users have a fast, low-latency experience. You would have to ensure that every single server was configured exactly the same way with the exact same versions of everything.

And what if you had to upgrade a version of one of your dependencies? You’d have to upgrade the version across all your servers. And what if something went wrong during this process you’d be in a world of hurt.

This is where Docker comes in. Docker allows you to bundle all of your software dependencies in a single container. You can specify the Linux OS, system libraries, and external programs required to make your program run. With Docker, the underlying operating system does not need to be updated when you update your software since the Docker container is self-contained.

Docker containers also benefit from running in isolated environments. They cannot interfere with one another, and many can be run on the same system. The dependencies of one Docker container do not affect the dependencies of another, and (unless configured to do so) they cannot access resources of another container.

Containers gave rise to new software architectures such as microservices whereby an application’s code is split across multiple individual programs that can be updated separately from one another.

Using Docker in Your Project

If your application is a web-based service, building a Docker container for it is a great exercise. Building a Docker container for your application will force you to enumerate the dependencies of your application and force you to describe the steps required to build your application. It will also force you to enumerate what external resources your program needs to access. Does it expose a TCP port? Does it require filesystem access?

From there, you can create a Dockerfile which enumerates the dependencies of your program and describes the steps required to build your software.


Often, you will end up with multiple containers communicating with one another. For example, you might have multiple microservice containers which need to all communicate with a shared a database container and a shared Redis or RabbitMQ message bus. Maybe you even want to have multiple versions of each microservice.

Imagine you are deploying a new version of a login service which supports Google Login. You’re using A/B testing (like we discussed earlier) and you have to deploy this new service to datacenters across the world. This process can be highly error prone if done by hand!

That is where container orchestration software such as Kubernetes comes in. Other solutions to container orchestration such as Docker Swarm exist, but Kubernetes is still the most dominant player in the space. In fact, many cloud providers provide hosted Kubernetes solutions such as Amazon ECS and Azure AKS.

There are about as many ways to use Kubernetes as there are projects using it. Every project has its own unique way of utilizing Kubernetes. I’m not going to go into much detail here, as (a) I’m not very well versed in Kubernetes and (b) whatever I say will likely not be applicable at whatever company you end up at.

Monitoring and Logging

So, now your software is containerized, and you have your CI/CD pipeline so that it gets automatically built and deployed every time you push to master, you need to know if it’s working! That’s where monitoring and logging come into play.

As with the previous sections, monitoring and logging is highly project-dependent, but I’m going to highlight some common themes.


As we have seen from the previous sections, modern software is very complex. It often involves multiple services talking to one another across and within multiple datacenters. Every bit of complexity adds risk of failure and we need to know if a failure occurs. We might deploy a bug, or the physical servers your code is running on could die, or AWS could have a network outage, etc.

Additionally, we might need to collect statistics about application performance across multiple versions of our software (remember A/B testing from earlier?).

Collecting all of these data points and metrics falls under the “monitoring” umbrella. Some common techniques for monitoring include:

  • Healthchecks and Heartbeats: these involve an external service checking on the status of our service. These checks are very course and detect major problems with the application.

    One basic check could be to just make sure that a service is available at all to external users. This might be as simple as “can I access the home page successfully”? I use UptimeRobot to monitor a few personal projects. It’s way too expensive, but it’s worth it for the peace of mind.

    Kubernetes has this functionality baked in. You can configure an endpoint and interval, and Kubernetes will try to access (ping) that endpoint on the container at the provided interval. If it returns a success code, then the service is assumed to be running properly. If it returns a failure code, Kubernetes can be configured to kill the container and restart it.

    A related monitoring technique is to invert the direction of the pings. The service itself sends a request at a regular interval to an external service. The external system ensures the pings keep coming at the appropriate interval, and as long as they do, the service is assumed to be operational. is an example of a service which takes this approach.

  • Metrics: often, the course-grained healthchecks or heartbeats are insufficient to determine if a service is operating smoothly. For example, the home page may be available, but are users able to log in?

    All non-trivial projects will generate some interesting data points (metrics) that can be monitored. Examples of metrics you might want to collect include:

    • HTTP status code per endpoint
    • Resource consumption (RAM, disk, CPU, etc.) per container/server
    • A distribution of how long it takes for your service to respond to a specific type of request
    • Conversion rate on a sign-up page
    • Percentage of users who add something to their cart per visit

    Every business and project will have different metrics which matter, and they might change over time. Collecting metrics is a critical component to creating data-driven businesses, which is all the rage right now.

    One example of a software for collecting metrics is Prometheus.

So, we are collecting metrics, and doing healthchecks, but how do we let developers know when things are broken? That is where alerting comes in. Alerting software monitors the metrics and healthchecks for abnormalities. For example, you may configure the alert software to create an alert if RAM usage goes above 90% or if error rate on login rises above 1%.

If the problem is not too severe, the alerting software might send an automated message to a Slack channel. If it’s more severe, it might send an alert to an on-call developer’s phone via something like PagerDuty. Companies often require developers to configure their PagerDuty to break through do-not-disturb on their phones. Depending on the on-call policies, you may even be paged in the middle of the night if the application experiences issues!


So you’ve been woken up in the middle of the night due to some alert saying that the login endpoint is experiencing an elevated level of 500 Internal Server Errors. How do you figure out what’s going wrong? You can’t just restart your entire application in “debug mode” like you can with school projects.

That is where logging comes in. Logging refers to the program outputting a log indicating what it’s doing. The log goes somewhere where it can be queried by the developer. Systems such as Loki and Datadog are commonly used in industry to collect and query logs.

Ideally, the logs are such that a developer could read them and find out what is causing the problem. Debugging via logs is somewhat like print-line debugging: you have to just read the logs and correlate it to the code that is being run to identify where things went awry.

In order to make the logs more meaningful, many logging systems include a log level with every message. Common levels and their general meanings include:

  • error - issues that have no mitigation, but are not fatal to the program continuing
  • warn - minor issues that are unexpected but have mitigations
  • info - information about what the program is doing
  • debug - more granular information about what the program is doing

Every project will use the levels differently, but everyone agrees that you should use error logs more sparingly than debug logs. I find this StackOverflow answer to be a very good convention for when to use each log level.

You can probably imagine that a very busy application would generate lots of logs. Let’s go back to our example: you are trying to debug the failing logins, but there are many logins happening at the same time, only some of which are failing. You probably only want to look at the logs related to a failing request.

This is where techniques such as structured logging come in and add metadata to your logs so that you can group logs together. Structured logs are often JSON, and can include other data points in addition to the actual log message. In the example above, you might add give each request a request ID and add that request ID to all logs related to that request. Most logging frameworks have convenient tools for including such metadata to all logs generated through an entire call stack. In our example, you could filter by request ID to see logs related to a failing login.

I recommend that you get into a practice of debugging all your programs without a debugger, relying on print-line debugging. This will tune your spidey-sense for what pieces of information are useful to log, and what is not useful. I also recommend that you set up structured logging early in your project, as it is very unlikely that you will never want less information to debug your program.


This article is by no means comprehensive. The main goal of this article was to provide some insights into things you might encounter in industry. I think that the most important thing to take away from this is that (at any good engineering firm) there are safeguards in place to detect issues and address them quickly. If you find yourself at such an organization, you should feel empowered to commit early and often in a branch. Use CI to your advantage to spot issues before even merging. Allow the CD process to deploy with safeguards and allow the monitoring stack to alert you when things go awry. And when things inevitably break, rely on the logging in your application to debug the problem.