Jonathan Sumner Evans
Sumner Evans
Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper


Hello, welcome to my website! I am so glad you stopped by to check it out!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sumner, and I live in Denver, Colorado. I am a Software Engineer at Automattic working on Beeper and a 4th Degree Black Belt and certified instructor in ATA Taekwondo. I am a Colorado School of Mines alum (bachelor’s in CS, 2018; masters in CS, 2019). Previously, I have worked at The Trade Desk and Can/Am Technologies.

Things I’m passionate about:

  • Programming
  • Computer Science
  • Software Architecture and Software Engineering
  • Self hosting and data ownership
  • Free and Open Source Software
  • Distributed systems
  • CS Education
  • Taekwondo

I’m grateful to have a great job where I am able to exercise my passions. On the side, I also work on a variety of open source projects, which you can find on my portfolio.

When I’m not working, I enjoy training in ATA Taekwondo under Chief Master Corina Black where I am a 4th Degree Black Belt and certified level 3 legacy instructor. I also enjoy playing soccer, volleyball, and racquetball when I have the chance. During high school, I won the FRCCA State Championship with Denver Eagles my senior year. I have also won multiple state titles in Taekwondo.

This site is the place to get updates on my life. I maintain a blog here where I post occasionally. I post about my travels, technology, education, projects updates, politics, and many other random topics. On my portfolio page, I have an up-to-date overview of my professional achievements. I also have an always-up-to-date link to my resume there. You can also find links to all of the social media accounts that I actually use in the footer of this site.

Happy reading!